The Gulupa or Purple Passion Fruit is a Superfood, loaded with antioxidants and vitamins. It is a long-lasting tropical fruit that can be used in many ways.

What does it taste like?

For us the Gulupa defines the tropical, when you eat a Gulupa you feel a sea of flavors that transport you to freshness and warmth. It has a delicious flavor, it is medium acid, sweet, creamy, with notes of citrus or guavas that are felt in the background. The seeds, of excellent digestion, make it somewhat crunchy but the pulp is gelatinous. Just as it has lots of flavors, it has lots of textures.

How is Gulupa stored ?

Gulupa can be stored out of the fridge until it begins to wrinkle. When the fruit is wrinkled it reaches its sweetest flavor. But if you want to improve the durability of the product, you can refrigerate it for just over 2 weeks.

buy the fruit ripe , ready to eat, but if you want to enhance its sweetness you can leave it in the open air until it shrivels slightly.

How is Gulupa used?

Gulupa or purple passion fruit can be used in multiple preparations, or you can eat it simply with a spoon. With a knife and great care, you cut it in two and with a spoon you remove all the pulp and seed from the inside.

You can eat this pulp with the seeds or you can use it for your recipes. It is delicious in a parfait , to make a juice or juice, alone or with other fruits. And you can also use it in your favorite desserts like a cheesecake.

We love to eat it straight from the shell or shell with a spoon for breakfast or in the afternoon. It is excellent for digestion.